Saturday, April 12, 2008

Day 17

My good deed that I did today was by preparing some snacks for my mum and I to eat when we were going to watch a movie. My mum and I borrowed some movies for Video Ezy today to watch since we had nothing to do. When we got home, I made some snacks for my mum and I to eat during the movie. Normally my mum does it, but instead I did it for her today. I'm sure that she would have felt appreciative because I could tell by her mood that she was very happy.


Alan said...

Great work. Good to see you ended the task with a POP!!! =D

Nicola Harvie said...

Hi Cindy,
It is great to hear that you have been making a big difference, to yourself as well as others. Keep up the brilliant good deeds!
PS I love your kiwifruit clock!

Lea said...

Hi Cindy,
Awesome blog. You have ,ade a big difference to the communitte.Well done.

Lea said...

Great work!
Keep up the great work!

Anonymous said...

Hey Cindy,

What a kind thing do to for your mum. I bet she felt thankful after you did that.
Keep up the good work!
